HPx-310 Radar Signal Output Card


The single-lane (x1) PCI express card generates radar signals under the control of host application software. Time-stamped radar video data is passed to the card over the PCI express bus and the card generates the appropriate video, trigger and azimuth data signals in real-time. A first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer on the card allows the host computer to write a number of radar returns into memory, which the HPx-310 card then outputs at the requested times.

The typical buffer size is 100ms, which therefore specifies the latency in processing video through the card. Digital adjustments to the output timing are made to ensure that the output rate of video exactly matches the rate of arrival of data from the host computer.

The HPx-310 card is extremely versatile, supporting a broad range of rotation periods, as well as variable and staggered PRF modes (including variable length returns).

In addition to emulating conventionally rotating scan radars, the card may also be configured for counter-rotating, sector scanning or random scan modes. The output signal voltages and types are jumper-selectable, providing a wide range of output signal options.

When the HPx-310 card is teamed with the SPx Radar Simulator software, the result is a highly flexible, configurable and powerful radar simulation tool that can generate analogue radar video, targets, IFF, AIS and navigation data.

A key feature of SPx Radar Simulator is the ability to generate synchronised data sets of video, targets and related navigation data when simulating ship-based systems.

Radar signals can be moved across an Ethernet network using a server system (HPx-410 plus SPx Server, or HPx-346) to digitise the radar signals and distribute the resulting data digitally.

The HPx-310 card, along with the SPx software, may then be used to convert the network video back into analogue signals. This approach is applicable if it is desired to input the radar signals into legacy equipment which has the analogue radar interface.

Access to live radar signals during console development or testing can be difficult and expensive.

HPx-310 provides a convenient and realistic source of radar signals to stimulate display equipment in the absence of a live radar source.


■  Full height, half-length PCIe x1 Card

■  Emulates signals produced by real radars

■  Scan modes:

    •  normal rotation

    •  counter-rotation

    •  random scan

    •  sector scan

■  Dual analogue radar video output

■  Low latency output

■  25MHz output bandwidth

■  ACP/ARP or parallel azimuth output

■  SHM signal output

■  PRF 100Hz to 10kHz

■  Configurable output signal voltages

■  Variable and staggered PRF support

■  Variable (jagged) return length support

■  Configurable pre-trigger delay (steps of 20ns)

■  Rotation period 0.25 to 60 seconds

■  Built-in test pattern

■  Configurable output signals

■  C/C++ API available

■  Compatible with SPx Radar Simulator product

■  Supported under Windows and Linux

■  Typical uses: simulation, test, training and radar streaming

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